
My last girl was practice for the real thing baby



"Do you want to meet all my monsters? Think you're tough, I know they'll drive you bonkers!"


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How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! By the skin of my teethSnake EyesOverachieverPride - Asexual1K
Dream WeaverUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Treat 2019
09-12-2024, 12:10 AM

It was...a very strange concept for her to know that there was someone out there that actually liked her. Adored her for who she was, and not someone that she couldn't be even if she tried. The understanding that there was someone for her was a foreign concept (as it something she never, ever expected in her lifetime), she was eager to see what the future would hold. Widow's warning all but disappeared. Though she would still tread with some caution, Medusa was not afraid. She had, after all, overcome all the odds that had been stacked against her. Rent her enemies asunder, and had made a name and life for herself, and for those that lived beneath her wing. She was a fierce entity. A force to be reckoned with, and any who dared to oppose her and try to rip it away would be met with feral ferocity that would match any angry Gods wrath. Would he eventually try to oppose her later on? Was it a ploy to get her guard down? All valid thoughts, of course, but she was often one to give the benefit of the doubt and offered the chance of trust before she condemned them as an enemy.

She would treat this no differently, but oh how she craved affection that went far beyond what she got from the kin she had created.

"remember the favor I would ask for later?" She nodded as she looked back at him, unwavering. Steady for once. This was all new for her. Abnormal in Medusa terms. But she was a creature of curiosity. And she craved the knowledge of what might come from this. Would her bouts of tricking others to scratch that "itch" finally come to an end? He asked her to to trust him. To be with him. It was certainly something she was willing to try. After all, she had offered her own affection in such a way that she had never given to anyone else before. She had no reason to. No interest up until recently. His tail wrapped around her, and for the first time in her entire life, she felt...warm. The kind of warm one felt when wrapped in the embrace of someone who cared. She had never had that before. Not from her parents. Not from a lover. She found herself leaning into him, heart pounding against her chest as she tucked her head up beneath his. Not as a show of submission (she was never one to submit, after all), but that she was willing to give him a chance in trusting him.

And a deep part of her hoped that he wouldn't make her regret this.

"Medusa knows what she wants," She stated, breaking her silence. "What does Erebos want?" She asked, curious of course, to find out where their paths might lead.


Please note: Medusa is a wildcard! While she is mostly kind, friendly, and eager to help, she can equally be cold, aggressive, and eager to murder you depending on how you treat her! She refers to herself and often, others, in the third person (illeism), and occasionally has tics due to her Tourette's and may giggle and laugh at random, and may twitch here and there. She is a blood & gore type of character, and is not above killing, maiming, or other such violent actions if she's given a reason to do so. It's often in your best interest to not cross her or get on her bad side. Ya never know what she might do c: