
What have I done, what have I become.

alo ♥



Expert Fighter (170)

Novice Healer (20)

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Sapiosexual
09-12-2024, 10:46 AM
she opened up like a clam now, giving way to many pearls of information. things he didn't understand, some he wasn't aware of till now and to some, he was resistant to. she demanded their tensions end, that their bad blood settle. true, it had been such a while he held a grudge towards her. it went to show how seriously he took his investments. how selective he was even after it all. and still, fic showed face. asking for what she did in their last encounter. at this point, he didn't think she'd ever stop coming after him. and surprisingly, he felt a sense of surrender to it. but not in the way that she might've liked.
and as she went on like she usual did, his ears clung onto the passive mention of suicide and the pleading for an alliance. all the wrong words, the wrong motives, began to take place inside Érebos who stood before a woman he did not love anymore. a dangerous thing now, she did not know the territory of her words. and why save her from it now? she seemingly begged. he was a secretive, advantageous bastard. that part widow got correct- as she saw but only a glimpse of his whole being. and it scared her as she went and cried wolf to everyone. she misinterpreted his inferno, deeming his qualities uncontrollable & dangerous to everyone and that simply was not true. to most, Érebos was selfish. but for his club, he was reliable in every facet. true, unbreakable and unwavering to have by ones side. to be intimated by this was right perhaps, but it was foolish to assume he was aimless. Érebos was never.. aimless. "We can." he finally spoke, face stoic and eyes attentive to her. he sat slowly then, watching her and listening furthermore before saying, "I am not inclined to hand you my loyalty. Of what can you offer to me that serves as protection from your liabilities?" he asked in a serious tone, his words heavy with a baritone voice. methodical in every sense.

"talk" - 'think'
table by scarlet, art by rott-gutt
Warning: Mature themes for this character are frequent.
[Image: h1wr1OO.png]