Take Your Cake and Eat It Too
Intermediate Intellectual (50)
Advanced Navigator (90)
2 Years
2 Years
Dragon Mod
Dragon Mod
09-12-2024, 10:53 AM
He quietly chuckled about the remark on the Bone Queen's wisdom. Kronos didn't know her well enough yet to witness it for himself, but he trusted his brothers judgment nonetheless. If this Medusa was someone that his brother was willing to follow for however long, and being a woman at that, then no doubt Erebos held her in some sort of high regard. He wouldn't dwell on that for long, however, as the topic quickly shifted over to their abrasive sister. Particularly, the fact that she was in heat. His brow raised. Of course, he was aware that there were expectations to be upheld. And the fact that his brother was bringing it up at all meant that there was an issue.
Was Enyo being difficult about it? Of course, it was known among them that she wasn't the traditional sort. But unless she wanted to be cast out, she had a familial duty to uphold. Erebos wanted advice upfront about the issue with their sister. Kronos sat back with a quiet hum as he considered his words. "Γνωρίζει τις οικογενειακές μας αξίες και το καθήκον που πρέπει να τηρεί. Αν δεν θέλει να την διώξουν και να της αφαιρέσουν το όνομά μας, τότε πρέπει να κάνει αυτό που πρέπει να γίνει. Ανεξάρτητα από τα συναισθήματά της για το θέμα. (She is aware of our family values and the duty she has to uphold. Unless she wants to be cast out and stripped of our name, then she must do what needs to be done. Regardless of her feelings on the matter.)"
He looked steadily at his brother, his expression impassive. "Και λαμβάνοντας υπόψη ότι πάντα κηρύττει για την οικογένεια και το τι πρέπει να κάνουμε, δεν καταλαβαίνω γιατί θα θεωρούσε τον εαυτό της απαλλαγμένο. (And considering that she's always preaching about family and what we must do, I don't see why she would think herself exempt.)"