
What have I done, what have I become.

alo ♥



Master Intellectual (250)

Intermediate Hunter (40)

2 Years

Pride - SapiosexualPride - Demisexual1K
09-12-2024, 11:11 PM (This post was last modified: 09-13-2024, 08:41 AM by Identification. Edited 4 times in total.)
|| "Thoughts"

Erebos had listened to her, showing her some patience and what she had to say to him. Sure the information shared may have been a bit much, but it helped getting it off of her mind. Which cause a brief smile. The creamy wheat pelted woman felt better. Her gaze went to the stars now, as the silence wrapped around the pair. The pair that use to be so close.

Identification was lost in her thoughts, trying to find the words that were trapped upon her tongue, frozen and unable to speak them. That's when he spoke out. The woman sat there and listened to him. "I do not need protection, I can protect myself. However it would be a nice added layer of protection I believe not only for you but also for myself. And what liabilities Erebos? I have caused no one pain or harm. Besides that day that sealed our fate. Which I did not mean as stated. I have also allowed myself to heal from my mistake." Attention turned to him.

"I miss the friendship we've shared." Her voice was that of a grown woman's, one who've became more matured as well. She was no longer a girl whom believed in fairytales. "I am not stating that I or anyone is perfect. We all make mistakes. We also do things to others we do not mean. It's a part of growing up and becoming more mature "

Slowly rising up she allowed or pause to carry her frame into the water as a lapped around her legs. It was cooler, even though it was still humid. A gentle wind - however as hot as was felt welcoming. Has she breathed the moment in. Giving herself a second to think of what needed to be said next.

"but if you want or need something in return for even a friendship..." a pause as she allowed her tongue to lap at the water, the thirst disappearing along with her dry throat. Identification soon climbed out of the water passing slowly in front of them, her tail dancing under and against his chin for a moment.

It was a very dangerous game the both of them were playing. Maybe she would submit to him, or would he have to make her? Either way, she would not leave mark's again. Or maybe she was submitting to him already...
