
Puppies are invincible




Novice Fighter (15)

Advanced Navigator (70)

Dire wolf
09-13-2024, 12:40 AM

Balrog's frustration was at an all-time high, his brother's taunts only fueling his anger. "I'm not a baby!" he snapped back, gritting his teeth as Citadel danced recklessly around the bear. Balrog could see the danger that Citadel was too blind to recognize until their mother suddenly appeared, launching into the fray with a fierce snarl.

Ignita's arrival gave Balrog a moment of relief, but it was quickly swallowed by anxiety as Citadel, stubborn and determined, charged back in beneath her. His eyes widened in shock, "Citadel, no!" he barked, his voiced laced with fear, anger, and concern.

This wasn't a game anymore. The danger was real, and seeing their mother in battle only solidified that. Balrog hesitated for a heartbeat, caught between wanting to help and knowing he could make things worse. He moved to the side, searching for an opening. He couldn't let his brother or his mother face this bear alone, but charging in blindly wouldn't help either.

Balrog's obsidian gaze narrowed in the darkness, taking in the ultraviolet light that he could while watching the chaos unfold. His mind raced, quickly analyzing this situation based off what he could see. Citadel's reckless charge, Ignita's fierce attack - none of it was coordinated, and the bear, though distracted, still had the upper hand with its sheer size. Balrog took a deep breath, forcing himself to stay calm.

He noticed the bear's slow, lumbering movements and realized it was struggling to fend off multiple attackers. Its legs were vulnerable, and with Ignita holding its attention, there was an opportunity to strike where it wouldn’t expect.

Balrog darted around to the bear’s other side, staying low to the ground, his muscles tense but controlled. Timing was everything. As the bear turned to bite at Ignita again, he lunged, aiming directly for the bear’s exposed hind leg. His teeth latched onto the back of its knee, where the muscles were thinner and more sensitive.

He bit down hard, twisting his head with as much force as he could muster. The bear let out a roar of pain, momentarily stumbling under the weight of its attackers. Balrog quickly released, backing away before it could turn on him. Once it did, he noticed that same bleeding ankle was now in front of his brother. He barked at the bear, angering it further, hoping his brother would focus on that weak spot.
