
What you do for a friend

Atreyu vs Alaric spar, set before the meeting



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Healer (140)

1 Year
Dire wolf

WordyOoh La LaRapid Poster - Silver
09-14-2024, 04:13 AM
Her jaws snapped shut on empty air and she growled in frustration, looking into Alaric's eyes a fraction of a second before he aimed a nasty headbutt for her nose. His growl harmonized with her own as she pulled her nose to the side, taking the headbutt to her cheek instead. It was painful as hell, but less painful than her nose would have been. There would probably be bruising when all of this was said and done, but Atreyu would take it over being defenseless any day. While he was in close, Atreyu sought to grasp his face between her paws and extended her claws ever so slightly so that they would barely touch the skin of his cheeks. If she were a darker-minded wolf, or in a fight for her life the purpose of such a hold would be to tear at the skin with her claws. In this case, it was only to remind him of what she was capable of when pushed, though she would not purposefully hurt him this time.

Atreyu vs Alaric for Spar
Round 2/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Balanced
Offensive Battle Accessory: Five-inch long hawksbill blade
Defensive Battle Accessory: collar with spikes
Companion 1: Chinese Crested mix, Male - Battle (not used)
Mutation 1: Retractable claws - Offensive
Skills: Expert Fighter & Expert Healer
"Talk." || Think || 'Hear.'
code by bird, art by alo

Atreyu can be rated M for mature, not always, but expect it to pop up.
Her companion, Bigs, is assumed to be with her unless otherwise mentioned.
As her betrothed, Azriel is allowed in any of her threads, regardless of tag or label.