
But If I Know You, I Know What You'll Do




Expert Fighter (195)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

4 Years
Dire wolf
09-14-2024, 05:48 PM

Quill visibly flinched as the now familiar voice filled the silence. The brute's heart picked up the pace as his head slowly turned to see the chocolate and blush fae once more. He had tried to convince himself that their encounter had been a figment of his imagination, but this clearly wasn't the case. She stood there clear as day, the chilly autumn sun illuminating her very solid, completely real form. Fuck.

"Most wolves that you speak to are real, wouldn't you think?" He chastised lightly, his demeanor being somewhat snarky and dismissive. Even as he was acting that way, he was asking himself why. It wasn't her fault that they shared dreams of one another. It wasn't his fault either. She was a temptation that he couldn't give in to.

Quill opened his mouth to say something else snarky when movement from behind the woman caught his eye. There, back in the thicker foliage of the garden, a brown bear stalked. He caught the subtle movement of the bear crouching as if preparing to pounce on the dream woman from behind. Red hot rage flared through the marbled man and, a second later, he was flying off of the stone pedestal.

Skirting beside the woman close enough that their sides brushed, Quill put himself between her and the charging bear. He met the beast head on, teeth flashing and snapping at the bears face. The ursine stopped in confusion, not expecting a larger wolf. It apparently had been so focused on the fae that it hadn't seen Quill lounging on the rock. Having stopped the bear in its tracks, the Klein giant made his way around the side, teeth sinking into one hind leg to try and pull it out from beneath the bear.

"Quill Klein"