
For You, With Love



The Hallows

Intermediate Fighter (40)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

09-15-2024, 06:57 AM

Little soldier boy

Titus couldn't of been happier being lead out by Bowen today. No brothers or sisters to steal the attention, just him and mom. Well aside from Andrei who was quiet overhead. He wasn't going to steal the attention though. His mouth was split in a big grin as he padded after his mother, keeping on her heel as much as possible with his shorter legs.

She hadn't said why they were going to the Grove but Titus was excited nonetheless. His fiery orbs showed his enthusiasm to be out with Bowen easily. Her words brought his ears to perk at her and those excited fireballs to her face. Responsibility. So she had brought him out here to have a lesson. That was kind of weird, they could of went to the library or the gardens or the forge for a lesson. Why did she want to take him out here in the cold for a lesson?

At her mention of growing up big and strong he gave her a grin. Obviously he was gonna be the biggest and strongest, didn't his mom already know that? And protecting himself? No he was going to protect more than himself! But she also spoke of help. He, that wasn't a trick question was it? He gave a thought to the question she posed before carefully answering her. "Well if I wanna protect you and Auntie Briar and my sister, then also keep myself safe I'm gonna need friends like uncle Art yeah? So its good I make strong and good friends." it was a logical answer in his mind. He couldn't think of a better answer so he perked those little mismatched ears and looked up at Bowen for her to tell him if he was right or wrong.

Walk, "Talk", Think

Come marching home

Titus has a male white Raven by the name of Andrei, assume he is overhead or somewhere watching even if not mentioned.

Bowen as his mother, Artorias as his alpha and uncle, and Briar as his aunt may enter any of his threads regardless of how they are marked until he is a year of age. Bowen has permission to powerplay him as needed.