
Songs of Prosperity


12-19-2013, 11:47 PM

Wolf from dawnthieves, manip by Ocena. Character belongs to Denden!

The pearl lass seemed at ease in her position, in her element, if anything. A grin played at the ivory femme's defined features, regal muzzle lowering to nuzzle her friend's neck. As long as the woman was happy, being slightly ill could be dealt with at another time. When Song mentioned the alabaster woman's newlywed life, the smile that curved up her dark lips broadened to reveal every one of her formidable daggers. "So far, married life is wonderful. However, I have some worries..." The giantess murmured, steel gaze falling to the ground as pale lids fell over them. "I have told almost none of this, but I am the only remaining Lunashka, and I guess now I'm Queen of a vast empire, the only problem is, my kingdom is back home, and it is naught but wasteland now... I'm scared to tell Magnus, because the knowledge of such power can corrupt even the best of wolves..." The willowy she wolf murmured, turning her worried silver gaze upon her friend. "What should I do, Song?" She inquired, desperation plain in her silky ethereal tones, accent thick with emotions that clogged her mind and heart, but would show nowhere but her consuming mercury pools. Twin raven's feathers would stir in the breeze that swept across the waters, dancing an erratic ballet for a few breaths before falling flush with her silky fur. A deep sigh escaped the woman's dark lips, lithe muscles quivering as that cursed infinite mind of hers dreamt up every possible bad scenario that would come if she told her beloved about her past.
