
little talks




Master Fighter (280)

Advanced Hunter (65)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Toy size

Pride - Bisexual
09-16-2024, 01:15 AM

Find me where the wild things are

The morning was new and the day was promising as Trixy made her way with Frank from her temporary digs for the castle outskirts. The breeze from the sea was cold but it didn't bother her. Auster was her home and likely always would be. Her grin was in place as always, a beam of light in this dark world. She hadn't seen Art since she was a yearling but still held great respect for the man and hoped he remembered her. She had once spoken of treaties and alliances and while this wasn't a political visit she still felt maybe it might show him a little of how she had grown and what she was capable of.

Over Frank's back was his saddle and attached to the horn of it was two crafted cages, one holding the extra quail she had caught and the other a pair of Muscovy ducks. She had worked hard to catch them alive and get them to calm down enough she could see them being useful to the hallows. She had covered the quails to keep them calm but the ducks were on full display ushering quieted quacks as they moved. The sound was pretty and she could see the Hallows possibly wanting them for a garden pond or a good source of large eggs. Miss Briar, if she remembered Sir Artorias' wife's name correctly, might even find them to be an enjoyable pet. Though their meat would also taste good if that's what Artorias wanted to do with them.

She made to stop at the border before announcing herself. She then seated herself in the soft powder underfoot as flakes gently fell from above. She had other matters to discuss other than just the ducks and quails with Artorias, she wanted a Raven and wanted to see how he felt about a potential alliance still. She knew he had no reason to ally himself to her but maybe if she did end up taking a pack he would enjoy the alliance. But she hoped maybe this would be the start of such a thing. For now she would wait for the Lord of Cinder to appear, hopefully it wouldn't take long.

Walk, "Talk", Think

Bellatrix Ravenwood
Art by SterlingRaven