
What are you waiting for?

Lucy, Beau

Gavroche II


Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Healer (85)

1 Year
Toy size
09-16-2024, 04:50 AM

Some time had passed since Gavroche had given his father the location of his mother and Beauregard. He hadn’t told much of anyone about where his father had gone… even if it had his fur on end knowing that he couldn’t go after them. Guilt still gnawed at him for keeping it from Bellatrix for as long as he had… he’d confessed once his father was gone, but… He did his best to shake the thoughts from his mind. He kept himself busy organizing things in the den he’d made for himself in Cattail Creek. But the moment Ruby arrived everything was dropped. Gavroche knew what her coming home meant.

Paws carried him from the pack’s second territory in the direction of the falls. Anxiety gnawed at his gut as he feared for what state his parents would be in. Ears pinned against his head the whole trip. He’d find Eltrys had arrived before him… and his father in rough shape. That was probably nothing compared to what had happened to the slavers that had dared take his mom. His mother looked tired, both mentally and physically, but there were no physical wounds on her body as far as he could see.

The winged male didn’t stop until he had moved past Eltrys to press against his mother’s side. He was full grown but he was still smaller than his mother. Not wanting to interrupt whatever connection Eltrys was trying to make with his parents he didn’t say anything… but there were no words needed as Lucette leaned back into him, silent relief shared between them.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

table coding by bunni ♥