
Teach Me, O' Wise Teacher


12-20-2013, 01:19 AM

Kar was farther from the den he shared with Zanire. The bear was deep in hibernation, and though Kar felt comfort from her presence he had gotten restless. A wolf did not hibernate as a bear did, much to his disappointment. The gray, white, and black brute padded along through the snow to the territory known as the Battlefield. He had only been here once before, when he first entered Alcritia. He had met a female on that day... though she didn't finish the spar with him.

'I wander if any wolves are in the area. It's cold out... but pack skirmishes and such can happen any time... right?' Of course they could. Not that Kar concerned himself with the dealings of pack here in Alacritia. All he cared about were his travelings with Zanire, and the wolves he would meet along the way.

But perhaps he should learn a thing or two from other wolves. Fighting had never really been Kar's strong point. He knew defenses, sure, but when it came to applying knowledge in battle he was severely lacking in hands on experience. Coming to a stop Kar lifted his head, green eyes scanning the area around him. Then, raising his muzzle to the sky, Kar howled. He made it clear to anyone who responded that he wanted a friendly spar, nothing more. He didn't want Zanire to freak out upon waking and see him with scars after all.

Speech, Thought