
A fragile dream in the making



Judilian Band

Advanced Fighter (100)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

1 Year
Dire wolf
09-17-2024, 09:37 AM

Oath’s smile deepened at her shy response, the soft blush on her face and the way her words stumbled out only making her more endearing. Fairytale, he thought, the name fitting her almost too perfectly. Small, delicate, and somehow both timid and bold at the same time. It was as if she’d stepped right out of one of those stories she seemed to love so much.

“Fairytale,” he repeated, letting the name roll off his tongue as if testing how it felt. “Fairy it is, then.” He chuckled softly, eyes still warm as they held her gaze. “I suppose it does fit! Small... but full of surprises. One might even say.. magical.”

He took a step closer, his larger frame towering over her as he gently nudged her with his shoulder, the motion lighthearted and almost playful. “And no need to apologize. We’ll find something to eat. I don’t mind sharing.” His cyan eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief as he added, “Though, I didn’t expect to save a damsel who’s always hungry.”

His teasing tone was soft, but there was no judgment behind it, just a genuine warmth that seemed to grow with every moment spent near her. He glanced around, scanning the surroundings. The Delta was teeming with life, and finding a meal wouldn’t be hard.

“I think I saw some tracks not far from here,” he said, flicking his tail toward the thicker brush. “Let’s see if we can’t find something to quiet that stomach of yours.” His voice dropped, playful again.

Oath moved ahead, his large paws pressing into the soft, muddy ground as he scanned the area. The brackish scent of the Delta filled his nose as he crouched low, eyes narrowing as he picked out a set of tracks partially obscured by the muck. His instincts flared: prey was close. The imprints were shallow, but distinct, and Oath could tell from their shape that they belonged to a small group of deer that frequented the marshy areas near the water. He ran his nose along the edge of the tracks, confirming the scent. Fresh.

“Looks like we’re in luck,” he murmured, his voice low but full of purpose. “There’s a herd nearby, and they’re not far.” He glanced back at Fairytale, the teasing smile still playing at his lips. “I’ll take the lead, but you seem pretty quick. You might beat me to first strike.”

With a flick of his tail, he motioned her to follow, his body moving fluidly through the wetland as they began their silent hunt.


Oath Morningstar

Oath has two Red-Tailed Hawks, Icarus and Nyx, that may assumed to be nearby at anytime.