
A fragile dream in the making



Judilian Band

Advanced Fighter (100)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

1 Year
Dire wolf
09-17-2024, 10:52 AM

Oath could sense the tension radiating from Fairytale as they crept forward, her movements careful but deliberate. He admired her determination, even if something in her posture gave away her nerves. She was smaller, yes, but he could tell there was more to her than her size, more than the delicate appearance she carried. He’d noticed her glances, too, the way her pink eyes lingered on him, but he kept his focus on the hunt, aware of the moment they were building toward.

As the deer stamped its hooves, Oath’s muscles coiled tighter, his body ready to spring. He could feel the hesitation in Fairytale beside him, and though he didn’t fully understand what held her back, he trusted her instinct. Timing, as he’d told her, was everything.

He glanced at her, catching the slight strain in her expression as she struggled to track the herd through her blurred vision. She hadn’t said anything, but he was starting to piece it together; the way her eyes squinted, the way she moved with a careful precision that seemed almost unnatural. She couldn’t see well, and it explained the cautious way she approached the world around her.

But she didn’t let it stop her, and that’s what mattered.

"Trust yourself," Oath whispered softly, his voice low and reassuring. "You’re doing fine."

He gave her a brief, encouraging look before turning his attention back to the herd. They had only moments now. With a subtle nod, Oath signaled to Fairytale, his body launching forward with explosive speed. He trusted her to follow, to move as her instincts led her, knowing they would have to work together to take down their prey.

The thrill of the hunt surged through him, but alongside it was a growing admiration for the little wolf beside him, fighting her own battles even in the midst of something as primal as this.

Oath’s eyes locked on the nearest doe, every muscle in his body tense and ready to act. The herd was still unaware of their presence, but the moment was fast approaching. He could feel the energy coiling within him, ready to release in a burst of speed and power. But he wasn’t hunting alone. This was her moment too.

He glanced at Fairytale, her small form trembling with both anticipation and uncertainty. She needed that final push, that spark of confidence to act.

“Now!” Oath barked sharply, his voice firm yet encouraging.


Oath Morningstar

Oath has two Red-Tailed Hawks, Icarus and Nyx, that may assumed to be nearby at anytime.