
Theres no chit chat, love.



7 Years
12-20-2013, 01:44 AM (This post was last modified: 12-20-2013, 01:51 AM by Galahad.)

. . .

No sooner did Galahad set the last of his defenses did the fight begin. Round one -- the stranger's first move. Galahad stood his ground, his body shifting into a position in which it would make it easier for him to turn. Bending his knees, while still keeping his lowered position, Galah watched with narrowed eyes as the femme ate away the distance between them and narrowed in for the attack.

It would have been wise to predict the unexpected. The attack that the female seemed to set against him seemed to be aimed for his left side, and thus Galahad shifted his attention to protecting that side. As she lunged for his right Galah quickly snapped his head in her new direction, keeping his ears pinned and tail tucked, attempting to sidestep the attack. But no wolf could move so quickly on the fly, and so for the most part Galahad fell into her attack.

Her teeth would snap at his scrunched up next, gaining a grip, though not a very tight one. Her paw would hook over his back, gaining a bit of purchase when her claws met his thick coat. Her position might have been trying to drag Galahad to the ground, but as his front end started sinking down he made a counter attack of his own. Galahad reached out his right leg out, aiming to hook his paw around her own leg and pull her down with him.

If his attack was to succeed he hoped the sudden fall would cause the wolfess to either release or lose hold of his neck. Should that work out the young wolf would try to snap at her face and possibly grab hold of either her muzzle or ear in his own attack. A small gain, but if he moved quickly enough he might be able to turn things around in his favor. Should his plan fail and the female kept her hold he would simply have to come up with something else.




Round: 1 of 3

-Eyes Narrowed
-Neck Scrunched
-Ears Pinned
-Tail Tucked

-Galahad is attempting to catch Meinx's free front leg and make her lose her balance and fall to the ground with him. If that succeeds he will launch his own counter attack and attempt to grab either her muzzle or ear, depending on which is closer.

-None Yet.

Ooc:: I forgot Galahad's table in the post so I edited it. Didn't realize you weren't supposed to edit fighting posts. D; Won't happen again.