
My last girl was practice for the real thing baby




Expert Fighter (170)

Novice Healer (20)

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Sapiosexual
09-17-2024, 11:16 AM (This post was last modified: 09-17-2024, 11:19 AM by Érebos. Edited 2 times in total.)

it was, perhaps the first time a woman matched his style if not more. she was aggressive, passionate and eager just as he was. and when the moments of intimacy did end, he was breathless. who knew she'd be better than the last two-, a striking difference all the way down to the core. Érebos did his best to swallow down the lingering feelings of possessiveness and frisk, his heart still beating as he panted. he was entirely satiated.. a first for this too. who knew medusa could hit all the right spots for him. in terms of it all, Érebos felt pleased with his choices to come out tonight and take a chance at her. he claimed her in a sense, imprinting on her like no other before. he felt, had and enjoyed medusa to the fullest in every way; leaving nothing untouched and only smothered with tender care & sensual curiosity. of what made her do this, sound like that- he took time to learn her body. with medusa, he gave her unmatched care & attentive stimulation. one could say he demonstrated love in his act.

time passed as they laid on soft pelts, plush and clean. her den space was large and suitable for what she'd like. he knew of her more morbid hobbies, but it bothered him none. finding her quirkiness to be unique to her, and thus he adored it. he felt comfortable in turn with his own darker tendencies.. as if between them was a safe place to be open. that's right.. be open.. "Medusa, I want to ask you of your upbringing if I may. Your preferences as well, now that we are together.." forever. he wasn't intending to let medusa go. but he kept his catch secret for now while he gauged what she looked for in a mate amongst other things. he wanted her to think on it as he broke the mould of what she was before. her red roses were long overdue, and he was here to fulfill her ten times over. with him, she would never need again. not ever.


Warning: Mature themes for this character are frequent.
[Image: h1wr1OO.png]