




Beginner Navigator (0)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
Small species
09-19-2024, 10:55 PM

Sucre’s whiskers twitched as she watched the pretty purple wolf. At the bark she jumped a little, but recognizing the excitement she smiled. “If you want~” It was still strange to see creatures that were kind, especially when they could have just as easily been enemies. But like herself Hestia seemed young, maybe she didn’t know the usual conflict between their species. Thinking about it, Sucre realized how strange it was for her to be traveling with Anna and Nina as well. They were birds of some sort, right? At least penguins seemed like birds. But here they were, traveling together as friends, a makeshift family.

“I’ve been on my own for a while too, though it’s not so bad now that I have Anna and Nina with me.” Sucre explained. “If you’d like, you’re welcome to travel with us! Not really sure where we’re going, but it’s kind of nice just being able to look around and get the lay of new lands.” The she cat’s eyes lit up and she hopped to her paws. “As a matter of fact, let's take a look around here! We can see there is deep water for fishing because of the lake, but maybe we can notice other things too!”

Sucre had already noticed that the water of the lake was not perfectly open, having trails of land that broke up bits of it. Did it make a unique shape if looked at from above, she wondered? Thick, lush green grass grew by the edge of the water, getting plenty of the elements it needed in order to thrive. She could hear insects in the grass too. Crickets were rubbing their legs together in song, and flies and other small winged insects buzzed out over the water. Sucre motioned with her paw for Hestia to join her, starting to pad around the perimeter of the lake.

“Do you see anything interesting?”
