Try to find some peace along the way [Eltrys]
09-20-2024, 06:46 PM
Éldi settled down to wait, sitting gingerly as his tail wrapped around his paws. His raven settled in the branches above him, bobbing for a moment on the branch until it fell still. Soon he was greeted by a young man, well young in his opinion, who introduced himself as Eltrys, the packs leader. Éldi dipped his head. "Greetings, my name is Éldi and I am as well as I can be at this age." He chuckled. "No arthritis, thank the gods. I was wondering what the name of this pack was and if you might have room for a hunter? I am capable both in traditional hunting and growing more versed with traps by the day." Éldi's greatest joy was the hunt and so he fostered ways to maintain his skill even as he aged. Trapping was proving fruitful and easier on the body.