
Well I'll Be Damned



12-20-2013, 03:17 PM

She had not set foot upon the steppe since she and Cherokee had been wed there, but now she was off on a quest. One she was rather unsure of. In a dream the previous night she had seen the place and there had been a wolf, one she knew but could not decipher who. So with great curiosity she would set off to the place, unsure if she would find anyone there but wild pigs. She was slightly surprised her husband had not followed her, he was so protective of her tiny form. The Oracle was quite glad to have such a man to call her own, one who would protect her at absolutely all costs. She felt bad about being so explorative and all around hard to watch out for, but despite his thoughts she was not completely helpless. She had a good amount of training under her belt and she knew how to defend herself.
As her paws brought her up to the ruin her ears would pick up a sound from close by, a howl, and one she had thought she would never have the pleasure of hearing again. With a smile on her face she would follow it, and catch the scent of Aria. With excitement she would trot to where her mismatched gaze could find the form of the once beta of Ludicael. With a bark she would approach the woman, happy to see her old friend. Aria! she would call out as she approached, the excitement audible in her voice. It was quite reminiscent of their first meeting when she had been so excited to join the pack. How have you been my friend? She wished to embrace the woman, but was afraid of over stepping her bounds, instead she would keep herself a comfortable distance as she let herself sit away from the she wolf's kill.
