
The Divine Calling [LUDI CLAIM]



12-20-2013, 03:47 PM

Like any adventurous child hitting the age of one would, Aegira had been away--exploring, meeting new people, growing in the never-ending journey of discovering oneself, but she hadn't quite found it yet. What she had found, however, was that she wasn't as fully grown as she thought she was--wasn't nearly as mature as her body felt like she was beginning to be. There was an ache in her heart and a loneliness in her mind that plagued her. It was homesickness. She longed for the touch of her mother, of her siblings, of everyone that she loved so dearly. Ludicael and Jupiter were, for her, the fixed point B for her to go back to, the stable entity that offered familiarity in a world that was always changing around her.

But this time, when she returned home, something was very, very wrong.

Ears were tipped back and there was concern laced in every bit of her features and the emotion verged on fear but she suppressed it. She was Aegira Illiadis--the little princess... right? She'd always convinced herself that one day she would grow up and take the throne of Sol. Chin up and tail flagged neutrally in line with her spine, inching ever-upwards in her confidence, she stepped forth, late to the meeting as always.

"What's going on?"

It'd been a long time since she'd seen many of the members of Ludicael but it was obvious that Aegira had grown. She'd always been a runt and always would be but there was a lot of her mother in her stance. Her posture brimmed with a mild confidence and self-sureness in her abilities despite her budding age. Her body grew faster than her heart and mind and Aegira found herself falling behind. Maybe this is my opportunity to catch up, she thought to herself, offering a cocky but friendly smile to those she knew or recognized the scents of, knowing something was different but not being able to know what yet.