
After a While, Crocodile!

[Fighting Expansion]



Master Fighter (300)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

2 Years
Dire wolf

VengeanceCritical Attack!ScarredCritical Fail!
09-23-2024, 11:30 AM

Ellara Praetor

Enyo's ears perked, catching the distant yet panicked cry from Medusa. The sound sliced through the air with unmistakable urgency, setting her heart pounding. Despite her complex feelings toward her brother’s mate, this was no time for grudges. The Queen was in danger.

Without a second thought, Enyo whipped around, her massive paws tearing through the earth as she bolted toward the Willows. Her thick, muscular frame surged with a determined ferocity, every powerful stride bringing her closer. Her scent was carried in her wake as if the very air bent to her will. She ran like a storm, her pride and authority evident even in moments of urgency. She knew the gravity of the situation. Medusa did not seem like one to cry for help unless it was life or death. The heat was pressing all around her, making the whole ordeal feel even more dangerous.

Arriving at the scene, Enyo’s keen gaze immediately took in the chaos. The stagnant water of the pond was now violently disrupted, with a massive crocodile thrashing near the shore. Medusa, her paw mangled and bleeding was desperately retreating beneath the swaying willows. The Queen's companion, Umbra was it? She was locked in a deadly struggle with the beast, but Enyo knew instantly that this situation required more muscle. More specifically her muscle.

“Get back Medusa, let us help you. Your paw- we need Erebros.” Enyo’s voice boomed, thick and velvety, leaving no room for debate. She knew of no other medics other than her brother.. For now, she had to protect the woman. Before she launched, she let out a shattering and guttural cry for others, hopefully her brothers, to aid her in this fight. It wasn't anything personal, she just knew them best as they did her. Enyo would prove to be efficient regardless of her battle buddies but when she was beside her siblings they all worked like a well-oiled machine.

Her icy blue eyes locked on the reptile, and with a snarl that echoed across the pond, she launched herself into the fray. She had never seen an alligator of this size nor had she seen one so aggressive. The snout was too pointed... the body was just so big... the teeth? Heart pounding and adrenaline began to pulse through her. She would take an elephant over this any day. There was no time for fear, she had to shove that deep down. Using Umbra as a distraction, her heavy, battle-hardened body slammed into the crocodile’s side the sharp edges of her armor adding another barrier between her and the massive beast. Her crushing jaws seek purchase along its armored neck. The beast thrashed violently beneath their weight, but Enyo was relentless, her broad shoulders and powerful limbs keeping her grounded. The beast's jaws snapped dangerously close to her, but she bared her teeth and tightened her hold, refusing to yield an inch despite flinching for the first time in a long time as jaws snapped barely an inch away from her face.

Perhaps it was poor luck, perhaps the wet terrain, unstable and slick... maybe it was fear she was too prideful to acknowledge that caused it to happen. Enyo would slip. For the first time in a long time... for the first time since puppyhood. A rare glimpse of utter surprise as Enyo's left paw skidded to the right, she tried to balance herself but not before jaws would come clamping down on her chest. Intense pressure, pressure she had never experienced before would press all around her. It felt as if her ribs would shatter. A searing pain in one of her shoulders as it seemed a tooth found a way in.

Blood splattered across her piebald coat, staining the pristine white side of her face, but she barely registered it. She was alive.. she was breathing. The crocodile let go, her armor saved her but it was severely dented... She couldn't imagine what her fate would've been should she not have had it on. Enyo would roar at it, a battle cry full of the primal urge to just survive. This was her domain, fierce, raw power in motion. Her muscles rippled with each movement, exuding the force of her lineage as she leaped back.

“Hold on, Medusa. I will not let this beast take what is ours nor will I let it get close to you,” she growled, her voice filled with a possessive fury. Her lesson was learned, she would have to play slow and wait for others. Take a more defensive approach. Keep it from getting close to the Queen. Even as her mind raced with irritation at the mess this situation had caused, the sight of Medusa’s injured paw stirred something deeper... duty, and perhaps something more complicated. Regardless of the tangled emotions, one thing was clear: no one harmed Insomnia's Queen under Enyo’s watch.

But would she die for the woman?

.... no




Enyo's companions Foberos, a large peregrine falcon, & Atromitos, a large snowy owl, are to be assumed as with her at all times unless otherwise stated