

deluge/if any of the kids want



Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (295)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

3 Years
Dire wolf

Double MasterStudentRapid Poster - Bronze1K
09-23-2024, 07:31 PM
The devious ways of children were... frankly, they're just that. Devious. Dread had been snared into a mind trap by Mercy, something that sounded like a good idea to the pup at the time. It had ended with both of them being washed out to sea. For as fearful as he'd been of the water, dragging his daughter's limp body from the waves had been even worse. The girl had picked up a nasty case of pneumonia after, and it had greatly delayed their return to the Raiders. Not a day passed that Deluge and the rest of the litter weren't on his mind. Being away from them stung, but he wouldn't forgive himself for Mercy seeing further harm in the process.

It's been far longer than he'd like, returning home. Drawing to the edges of the Raider's homeland, and then crossing over. There was no telling how Deluge would react, but Dread needed to get Mercy back to bed. The red bundle of fur was tucked between his shoulderblades, clinging to him still. He had Halo to thank for his early training as a healer, it was enough to keep the girl alive. To keep her stable. She'd bounced back okay, but it would still take some time for her strength to fully recover.

Returning to the treehouse and quickly getting Mercy tucked in, setting about grabbing her a snack, Dread barely had time to think. Finding Deluge and Sakana were high up on his list, but he'd tend to the girl first. It's midday, and things were as busy as they'd ever be. Dread would find who he needed to, once he was certain Mercy was settled and asleep.