
Britorias Pups - One Last Run

The third and FINAL litter!



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Pride - BisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
09-29-2024, 02:45 PM (This post was last modified: 10-13-2024, 02:25 AM by Lolaf. Edited 1 time in total.)
Out-of-Character Name: Lolaf
Character's Name: Ash Luiza Carpathius
Gender: Female
Adult Height: 37"
Size: Large
Build: Light
Alignment: Chaotic Good
[Image: dQLU4dQ.png]
- 37"
- Light Build
- Feminine and soft apperance.

Personality: Ash's looks belies her true nature. While she's hardly malicious Ash does have a propensity for chaos and mischief. As a child that means somehow crawling into places she shouldn't be, or egging on her siblings' bad ideas. Not that she doesn't also have her own bad ideas, she's just interested in doing whatever seems fun to her and doesn't tend to think too long or hard about the consequences. Unfortunately that tendency to jump first and look second will stick around, though she won't be unaware of the consequences she just thinks she can handle them. And somehow she'll still keeps getting into places she shouldn't.

Ash is unsurprisingly pretty friendly, though she's not naive, she's aware there are less than savoury individuals out there she simply has a "kill them with kindness" attitude, convinced that with enough effort and time anyone can be befriended and swayed from a darker path. Or maybe that's just what she tells herself to help justify the fact she defaults to trying to befriend everyone she sees.

Conversely Ash will be somewhat flakey, she doesn't handle the pressure of responsibility well and will often try to dodge it if possible. Need a good laugh or someone to cheer you up Ash is your gal but the moment anything has real stakes she crumbles. Unfortunately this even can extend to her social life, as she's a great friend to have fun with but not one to have deep conversations or connections.

Planned Skills: Intellect and Navigation (Chaotic and Scout specialties)
Mutations: None (as of right now)
Possible Plots/Plans/Ideas: Local troublemaker with a heart of gold. Get up to mischief as a kid and probably be the source of most of her parent's headaches. Aim for Explorer and/or Wayfinder rank. Go out, explore, make friends with anyone she bumps into. I imagine she'll probably struggle to balance pragmatism vs. being too familiar when it comes to others outside the pack. I'd love some sort of plot to help her realize sometimes to protect what's precious to you you can't run away, could be romantic or otherwise.