
Hit The Ground like Thunder


12-20-2013, 09:29 PM

The male spoke, mentioning that he had no recollection of the great empire that she should rule over at this moment, but it was no matter to the ivory giantess. She nodded in acknowledgement, liquid mercury optics fixing upon him as he mentioned his name. It rung familiar in her auds, but not in a way that would bode well for the man. He spoke of his boldly patterned coat, still alluding to the strange mindset of being dead. How interesting... "YA dumayu, chto ya pomnyu damu s takim imenem ... Ona byl vor , da ? My vstrechalis' neskol'ko raz , my khorosho ladili , nesmotrya na nashi razlichiya . Ona govorila o vas sovsem nemnogo .." The woman murmured, tilting her cranium to the side as she furrowed her brow in thought, steely gaze falling to the ashen floor as she pondered this, rifled through her immense conscience in search of that name. There! She had met that she wolf on numerous occasions, they had been quite close. Whatever had happened to the dame after the empire had fallen? A look of recognition dawned upon the icy rose's beautiful features as she looked up at the male again. "Akh! YA pomnyu tebya seychas ! My vstretilis' na vstreche imperiy , khotya vy utverzhdali, byt' shpionom , kogda ya prigrozil soobshchit' vam s moim ottsom . YA ne dumayu, chto my kogda-libo vstrechal za chto, khotya ..." She rambled, a slight chuckle weaving it's way into her lilting, ethereal tones. Long tail would wag behind her as she revelled in meeting someone who had been there and experienced her home, who knew of the glory she hailed from. Her memories of their meeting were less than fond, if anything the two had been arguing before she had stormed off in a huff. She was slightly embarrassed by her haughty behaviour at that time, but the past would remain the past, and hopefully there were no harsh feelings from the orange eyed man.

1. I think I remember a lady by that name... She was a thief, yes? We met a few times, we got along well, despite our differences. She spoke about you quite a bit..
2. Ah! I remember you now! We met at a meeting between the empires, though you claimed to be a spy when I threatened to report you to my father. I don't think we ever met beyond that though...