
My devil danced with his demon.


12-20-2013, 09:59 PM

The petite woman padded along her Kingdom's borders, bored of doing the same things as always. So, she decided to patrol, since it was always a useful thing to be done. She happened upon a large man, with a strange pelt and icy blue eyes. The rusty brown femme slunk towards him, hardly making a sound upon the thick snow. Orchid toned orbs gazed out of a bleached face, taking in the larger male, who appeared slightly uneasy to be standing at the borders of Glaciem. Why shouldn't he be? The empire was mighty, they had conquered the best and allied with the weakest. Now, did this man seek recruitment into the ranks? Standing to the left of him, the tiny fae stared straight at him and cleared her throat before stepping to stand a few paces from him. Her breath escaped her small black nose, a blot of ink on a fresh sheet of paper, as a fine trail of mist travelling upwards. "I am Eulari Armada, what business have you at the borders of Glaciem?" She inquired, sweet alto lyrics flowing from her delicate, regal maw like a river of honey. She gazed calmly at him, unafraid, for she was safe here, and it was difficult to intimidate the runt of a litter of fighters, she had bite behind her bark.
