
Monsters In Broad Daylight


12-20-2013, 10:24 PM

Eyes would remain on the strange pup, not leaving her even when her sibling came in between her and Caeto. Celeste would keep the same expression, an ear swiveling towards Fin as he spoke, further threatening the rogue. She had a feeling the larger girl would need to be forced away, putting up a fight rather than simply leaving, but that was okay, she would have an excuse to get rough finally. Silently she would watch the girl laugh after Fin had spoke, commenting on how she wasn't on their land, which was true, and how she doubted they were kings or queen. That did not matter, this was their home and they would defend it from somebody looking for trouble.

Caeto would speak up, bringing a smirk to the girls lips, eyes fiery. Yes, they would just have to show this girl how it was they treated disrespectful wolves. "Since you think your so big and bad, why don't you cross the border then." It wasn't a question, she was daring the girl to try it. The moment she did step over she was sure her brothers would pounce on her like she would, and if not then one by one they would make this girl remember not to mess with them or threaten their home.

Eyes would narrow as she watched the rogue, head and tail still held high, but unlike this wannabe, Celeste was not being cocky. With the way she was already standing, she simply spread her legs out a tad, ready to make a move once the girl did. Nostrils would flare, taking in the rogue's scent, orbs of amber taking in her pelt and face. Yes, she would remember this girl.


Awesome table by Shelby <3