
The Divine Calling [LUDI CLAIM]



12-20-2013, 10:25 PM

She stood there waiting for Song's response. She saw it before words would be said. The look a betrayal, of hurt and sorrow. Fur bristled in anger for how selfish her sister was being! How could Song say that? Where was she when Symphony needed her in the last pack meeting? She was the betrayer, the one to turn her back on her family when they needed her. Lips pulled back to show pearly canines but the snarl to come never made sound as Howl came forth. He went right to Song, spoke to her before turning his attention to her. She soothed her fur down and relaxed slightly, eyes darting between him and Song. But it was his comforting lick to her muzzle that let her breath with ease. If he understood he could make Song see her wrong. She nodded silently to Howl before Legend stepped forwards. With a warm smile she nuzzled him back on the top of his head.You take care little brother. And you know if you need me you just call, i'll always answer. She whispered softly to him.

Eyes lifted back to Song as she apologized but Symphony felt no truth behind those words. Song had much to understand and be sorry for. As Novella and Anthem came she stood there silently. With a sigh and a heavy heart she nuzzled Anthem tenderly. Anthem, Song is the new leader. Follow her and Howl. I go away but I promise to visit. I promise I will like the promise of the sun rising each morning She told him softly, hoping he understood. She knew he would be safe here with the rest of the family, where he could be happy. She had still yet to give up on finding him a cure, the search had never ended and it wouldn't till she found the cure. She turned to Novella. Be strong and brave little sis. Stop doubting yourself and listen to your heart and brain. You'll know what to do when the time comes. I believe in you, and always will. She smiled and licked the younger girl's cheek. Song's last comment to her had her eyes grow dark.He is the only one that can and does make me happy these days.. and she meant it. She wasn't happy here anymore. And with that the tiny pale cr?me woman would turn away with a golden barn owl upon her back. Silently she would slip into the mangroves as if they were swallowing her up and made her away across the borders and out of the back. She would find Novel one day soon within the next few suns and explain everything. But right now, she needed Gitan.