
After a While, Crocodile!

[Fighting Expansion]


Grim Reaper

Master Fighter (275)

Advanced Healer (95)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

2 Years
Dire wolf

Ooh La LaPride - Sapiosexual
09-26-2024, 08:29 PM


› he already smelt them all. medusa and Enyo's aroma sticking out against the potent scent of metallic blood. it stirred within him a powerful surge of adrenaline, of anger. his women were in danger and he wasn't already fucking there. their calls did not fall on deaf ears as the dire wolf went charging forth into the willows. his gallop was thunderous on the dry terrain as he moved his large body with impressive speed, eyes narrowed & ears erect as he came to approach the mess of a scene within minutes. he came to a halt, assessing the situation with urgency through the scorching heat. he needed to gauge the threat and assess it before jumping into the battle.

enyo was seen battling with ripper, taking on a large crocodile. enyo was covered in blood and it make his heart pound-, anger coursing through his veins as his snout crinkled. his eyes darted to medusa then, his brows furrowed as he looked her over with speed. he checked in with her for only a moment, assuring her with a nod that he'd work on her as soon as the threat was gone. he had to act, think and be fast- his eyes scanned over the water knowing that gators often hunted together, the commotion in the water enough to stir a frenzy. and he sees the other after seconds of looking for it. his actions, his moves, his thoughts had all been deliberate & methodical. for even in emergencies Érebos proved to be reliable, resourceful and intelligent.

he dives into action then, understanding their odds better and providing the needed guidance they all seemed to need. a serious bark sent to ripper as he shouted out, "Move out the way, there's another behind you!" Érebos then adurptly jumps, landing on the sneaking croc and successfully weighing it down with his heavy weight. he manages to grip on them with his muscular arms, muscles swiveling beneath his thick coat as he strained himself to pin the croc down for a while longer. "Drag them out the water. They will drown us in it if not." he sneered through his bared fangs. Érebos then became drenched with water, the croc thrashing more until he could not hold it still for much longer. he backs away then, quickly reversing to the shore as he watched the croc come at him. good, it forgot about the others as it honed in on him instead. the gator continued to move onto the terrain, hissing & angry. Érebos stood close enough every time to lure it out further & further. Now. he seized them with a sudden pounce then, his arms reaching to over turn the large croc from the side. and for a mere second, he flips it onto its scaly back to reveal the soft white underbelly where vital organs laid just beneath.

primal instincts drove him, his body lunging forward as he began to tear at the reptiles abdomen with relentless fury. his ears listened all the same, a skilled hunter who knew to remain vigilant and not become lost in the blur of wraith. ‹

Made for Alo by Skelle !
Warning: Mature themes for this character are frequent.
[Image: h1wr1OO.png]