
I'm gonna burn for you

Erik ♡



Advanced Fighter (115)

Advanced Hunter (60)

2 Years
Extra large

Pride - Bisexual1K
09-26-2024, 10:35 PM
A tornado meets a volcano– that’s what happens, right? This is what happens? He’s enchanted, pure and simple. For a boy that needs to stop making excuses for himself, it’s probably a good thing. Ember is good for him, in more ways than he can understand given the circumstances. A rakish grin, resting back on his hip. “I won’t make any promises,” cheeky. Erik knows he’ll have to make eye contact with her father in the morning regardless, but he’s prepared to take that one on the chin. The rewards far outweighed any risks, after all.

Raw. Emotionally raw– come into this world a bruise, he’ll be a raw wound for as long as he lives. Ember sees him as he is, and for once, he’s comfortable with that. There’s something lingering here, in the space between them, that he won’t put words to. Not yet. Hell, he barely has words. Where words fail, he allows the physicality to take over. Erik can rely on that, rely on the way he touches her. A trail of sparks everywhere they make contact, near visible for as searing as they are.

“Anything for you, princess.” The words come with a rakish look, grin replaced with something more primal. Want, need, and feelings coming unglued. Erik had behaved himself, maybe for too long. A low rumble in his chest, possessive nature kicking in. The kiss is searing, his head spinning with it. Sweet, giving way to harsh. A fire building in his chest, in his core, bubbling to the surface. A trail of kisses down her neck, giving way to his teeth scraping her tender skin. There’s no intent to harm, but gods, he needs her. He needs her to be his.

Pulling Ember closer, he’s maintaining control. Claws against her back, dragging the girl in closer. Drawing her closer, but it’s not close enough. In one movement, he takes control, putting the girl beneath him. Chest pressed against Ember’s, and holding her there. Heart pounding, as if holding her this close would take the girl directly into his ribcage, where Erik could keep her all to himself. The kiss he meets her with is fierce, needy, possessive. “No whining, use your words baby.” Tone deep, teasing as he pulls back for only a moment. Teeth back to her neck, a trail of bites as he teases.

Warning: posts from this character often involve body horror.
Erik has a Norwegian forest cat that is assumed with him at all times.