
Ne me parlez plus d'elle



12-20-2013, 10:41 PM

She watched him through burning eyes, noticing his tail curling and him flinching at her words. Why wouldn't he look at her? Her body stiffened, eyes narrowed. Don't he dare slink away from her like a scared pup! She wanted to yell at him! Snap her teeth and knock him down. Yet she long for him just to embrace her, tell her it was going to be ok, they were going to be ok. She wanted to feel his fur mix with her's, hear the beat of his heart within her ears. Agony shone clear in her eyes as he just stood there.

As he slowly came towards her, her head raised, ears pinned back. She allowed him to come near her, to lick her muzzle and speak. When he finished she snorted and would attempt to give him a good whack on the head with her paw swiftly.You Fool..did you not hear what I said? You are my everthing. I am no longer happy within that pack. The only family member I have issues with is Song. And sooner or later we'll fix things hopefully. She paused as she looked at him softly before nuzzling him under the chin to ry to get him to lift his head up and keep it up You are the best thing for me. I know it and will never regret my decision t be with you. These are my choices and theres no way your gonna change them. She said softly.

She leaned into him, needing him, wanting him.I cant leave the pack yet, I don't think Jupiter would just let me go. But when the chance comes, i'll be hunting you down. I just need to make sure it'll be safe..for both of us before I can leave.
