
I'm gonna burn for you

Erik ♡

Ember Carpathius

"I'll be the fire that dries the flood"

The Hallows
Head Scholar

Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
09-26-2024, 11:24 PM
Ember had never felt more beautiful than she did whenever she had Erik's eyes upon her. It was the way he looked at her, as if he had never seen anyone like her before. In a family of eleven, it's easy to feel overlooked, difficult to stand out. Erik makes her feel like the only wolf in the world when he's around; like she's a goddess given flesh with the way he stares, touches, kisses, claims her. Just as she sees him as he is, he sees her and wants her the way she is. There's no caveats, no exceptions or conditions. It's raw and primal desire coursing between them with every beat of their hearts. She doesn't have to be anyone but herself, wholly and unapologetically. Ember would never stop feeling free when she's with him. When he's hers.

She knows Erik isn't good with words, but he doesn't need to be. His paws, his lips, his teeth, his body does all the talking for him. As soon as she's on the bed with him, he's wrapping her up in his arms, pulling her close, not letting her go. His touch on her skin leaves fire in its wake and his kiss sends sparks through every nerve. He says anything for her and she believes him unequivocally. He shows it with his roaming paws, exploring her body as if she had always belonged to him, as reverential as it was possessive, like worshiping her as he claimed her. Erik stole Em's breath away in heated gasps, her dainty paws gliding down the side of his neck to rest on his chest again, claws combing through fur to feel the muscles beneath, a quiver of feminine lust lancing through her belly each time she felt him move under her digits.

His lips are on her neck, and Erik has her sighing as her head tips back, revealing more of her delicate throat to his mouth. Teeth on her flesh coaxed trembles from her body; gods, he loved her neck, and oh how it turned her on! Ember is in heaven with her viking king, letting the fire in her belly grow to consume her. Heavy eyelids flutter over hazy eyes, a sultry grin on her lips as she gives herself over to his control. He moves her with ease, showing off that incredible viking strength as she's placed beneath him. This has quickly become Em's favorite place to be—pinned between the bed and his body, covering her, holding her there. Her heart was pounding, fire coursing through her veins at the anticipation of what was to come. She can feel his heart beating against her where their chests press together, drums beating in time as their bodies entwined. Her hind legs spread for him, letting his body nestle between her toned thighs right where she wanted him. So close, yet never ever close enough.

Ember stares up into the smoldering depths of Erik's eyes, lost in the fire of those carnelian jewels. She doesn't see him the way others do. She sees Erik—her Erik. Their lips met in a possessive kiss, Em crushing her mouth hungrily to deepen their kiss. She's ravenous for him, needy and demanding. Her paws slid back up to wrap around the back of Erik's neck, claws tangling in his scruff to never let him go. She can feel him pressing against her belly, his arousal both intimately familiar and yet still new to the recently deflowered princess. That doesn't stop her from pushing her hips up to his, a slow roll and wiggle grinding herself against his hard length. Em moans softly into his mouth through their kiss, huffing a heated, frustrated breath when Erik teases her. No whines, he wants her words. She grins, knowing the game he's playing and contemplating biting him in that moment.

Another breathy gasp slips from her as his teeth find her throat and her pulse, head tipped back, a paw on the back of his head, silently urging him on. She's melting for him, heat between her legs ready to receive him, but he's so damned good at making her beg for him! "Erik…" Ember sighs out his name, lifting her hips towards his again, feeling him slide against her belly again. So wonderfully, agonizingly close…! Muzzle tilts so she can look him in the eyes, letting him see her urgent need blazing in those blue depths. "Fuck me, Erik… Claim your princess, my viking king."

"Ember & Erik"

Artorias and Briar may enter any of Ember's threads while she is under 2 years old.