
Something about running through Corridors?



The Hallows

Advanced Fighter (105)

Intermediate Intellectual (50)

09-26-2024, 11:32 PM

Little soldier boy

She seemed to have her own bird babysitter, which meant they were free to do anything! Within reason of course. Best behavior. He really needed to make sure he did that.

She said her name was Selene Fatalis. He nodded and made a mental note to remember that. And Galileo was the bird. He nodded and gave a bark at Andrei, who took the cue to glide closer and land on the entry to the castle, right on the statue. He started in the direction of the castle. And she started her questions.

Ew, plants. That was Sprig's category. He was all fight and well secretly he loved a good book. Not that he could read very well yet... but he loved hearing books read to him. "I'm not actually sure about what the vines are.... my sister could definitely tell you though. But it goes all the way up in some spots. And no our rooms are up in the castle, im not supposed to go into the dungeons underneath, yet. Unless uncle Art or my mom there is with me." he gave her a small explanation. He wasn't about to let uncle art down and break rules right now. He wanted more of those sword making lessons and he definitely wanted to start training in the dojo sooner rather than later. Couldn't do that if he got grounded.

He lead her into the castle, wiping his paws thoroughly on the entry carpets. He would definitely not be the one blamed for muck on aunt Briar's floors. He wasn't about to be on scrubbing duty. "This is the grand foyer, to the right is the guest area, and over there on our right, its the hall that leads to the kitchen and pantry and our forge. We aren't allowed in the forge without an adult present, maybe when uncle Art isn't busy he'll let me show you the sword I helped him make." he gave her a grin and nodded to either direction as he spoke. Andrei came fluttering in from a window offering a low croak, making it known the two were being watched.

Walk, "Talk", Think

Come marching home

2/3 met a new wolf

Titus has a male white Raven by the name of Andrei, assume he is overhead or somewhere watching even if not mentioned.

Bowen as his mother, Artorias as his alpha and uncle, and Briar as his aunt may enter any of his threads regardless of how they are marked until he is a year of age. Bowen has permission to powerplay him as needed.