
Spare a cup of sugar?




Master Fighter (240)

Expert Healer (145)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

5 Years

The Ooze Participant
10 hours ago

A call for a raid! Utterly unexpected, and something that caught her flatfooted and unprepared. Determined to put on a good showing for Vedia, she grabbed her things as quickly as she was able to. Realising in the moment that she needed her armour to be close to hand. This could happen at any time, as she was now realising. She secured the chest armour, giving it a fond pat as brief thoughts of Briar flitted through her mind. But now wasn’t the time to be thinking of The Hallows.

She trotted out to the border by the Falls where the invaders had entered. Some fights had already started, and her eyes scanned the field quickly… and faulted. She stumbled, almost falling. Catching herself on a hard paw as she stared with wide eyes. Apparently now was the time to be thinking of the Hallows!

Caught somewhere between delight at seeing old friends, and shock at seeing them like this she moved forward almost in a daze. She arrived in time to see Artorias win his bout with Eltrys, and she moved forward. But to what? To fight him? “Artorias, my…” her what? One of her oldest friends, her first lover of consent? The one who had saved her from a bleak life of slavery? “...dear friend. This is unexpected…” she whispered as she came to a stop before him. She reached out, and touched a paw to his shoulder. As if to prove to herself that he was there, to prove her imagination hadn’t conjured him to being. Fights were raging around her. This was a raid She had to prove herself against an opponent. Against… Artorias? The last time they had met, she had been too afraid to lift her paw against another. Attempts to teach her had been foiled by her timidness.

She shoved her shoulder forward suddenly, attempting to push against the larger wolf. A distraction. She was already swinging her head around in an attempt to graze his other shoulder with her antlers.

Lia vs Artorias for dominance
Round 1/?
Age: over 1
Size: Large
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Hardened claw caps
Defensive Battle Accessory: Reinforced leather chest armor
Companion 1: Redtailed hawk, female 50" -
Companion 2: Red Fox, Female 15"
Mutation 1: Enhanced vision - Perception
Mutation 2: Fire opal antlers - Offensive
Skills: Master Fighter & Expert Healer
Specialty: Knight


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