
Head in the Clouds


12-20-2013, 11:46 PM

Arayna would tell him it wasn't far, which Nuka was grateful for. He would give a nod of his head, following right behind her and if not right behind then just a few feet behind. The woman would lead them over mostly smooth terrain, avoiding ridges and going over low knolls, thinking about his physical state which made him happy. While they walked he would focus on not collapsing, with some food in his belly it was a bit easier to move around, and with the thought of more in his stomach only drove him ore to keep up. He found himself not wanting to just lay in the snow, to actually keep moving so he wouldn't freeze.

In what felt like an hour or two, though it was probably less, he would hear the sound of birds screeching and buzzards in the air. Not far ahead of the to appeared to be a kill, scraps remaining of course, but it would be enough. Standing beside the woman, he expected her to move forward and they would share but instead she would tell him to go ahead while she watched for the predator who had made the kill.

Copper eyes would look to the kill for a seconds before turning to the woman, uncertainty in his eyes. Even though he knew how thin he was, how weak he was even with a small bit of food in his belly, Nuka still felt the need to let her eat first. "O... okay." He said softly, turning away from her hesitantly and head over to the carcass. In seconds he would be standing over the body, bits here and there from the birds. There was a good chunk of flesh left in the body though, a bit of it sticking out from under the skin. Wasting no time he would move forward and dig in, grabbing big mouthfuls and chomping it down.

It would be a few moments of eating till Nuka came to a stop, sitting back on his haunches with a small smile, his belly full even though there was a good amount left from the part he had been eating. "Arayna?! There is plenty left." He would look in the direction she was keeping watch, barking out to let her know he got his fill and she could come over to get hers.


Awesome table by Shelby <3