
Life is Short; Family is Forever



6 Years
12-20-2013, 11:58 PM

Satu was only waiting a surprisingly short amount of time before her call was answered. And by someone she wasn't expecting - though perhaps she should have, considering - her cousin Novella. The sight of her released a bit of the tension that had been holding her motionless. A smile broke out on her face, tail wagging in response to Novella's.

"Novella! It's been so long!" she joked. When her cousin asked her seriously if something was wrong, she shook her head reassuringly. "Nothing's wrong, really, I'm just a bit nervous. I'm.."

She didn't get the opportunity to tell Novella why she was there, though, for another wolf had joined them. It was Song. Her cousin was a bit older, more mature than Satu's memory of her, but it would be hard to mistake her features for any but the Destruction family. And while the sight of Novella had relaxed her, let out her playful personality, the sight of Song brought her back to just why she was there and made her nervous all over again.

"Hello, Song," she replied quietly, then cleared her throat and said it again a little louder. "Hello, Song. I'm here to ask your alpha if she would consider maybe letting me join your pack. I was kind of hoping maybe you'd put in a good word for me?" She took a deep breath and rushed on. "I'd really like to join, and I really missed you guys so I'd like to be in the same pack. I could tell stories, or patrol, or watch pups, whatever she would need me to do I would do it, I promise."

Her tail cricked anxiously as she regarded her two cousins.
