
So I stayed in the darkness with you.



6 Years
12-20-2013, 11:59 PM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2015, 08:55 PM by Alamea.)

There was no verbal indication of Rune's intents, though he made them plain enough. A whirlwind of futures passed through her mind, all of them featured him, featured them and their children. The pristine girl had never imagined that this could happen; he had walked into her life so suddenly and become constant fixture for her. It was strange to think just how easily the opposite could have happened, he could have walked from her life just as suddenly and neither of them would know the bliss of the moments they spent together. Never know the soaring in her heart knowing that they were about to take a big step in their lives, the first step in their lives together.

She arched into his contact, allowing instinct and the heat to guide her. As he pushed into her fur she did the same to him, breathing in his scent and exhaling her own. She would bathe in his cologne, wear it and claim it as her own, allow it to be a comforting blanket she could wrap herself in till she was lost within it. He didn?t seem in any rush to begin and she was grateful, the events of her encounter with her brother still fresh within her mind. But she would drive those from her mind, now was a time to focus on the present, the future. She would feel him gently rise above her. She gasped.

-fade to black-

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