
Hard to See

Atticus Feild


Advanced Navigator (70)

Intermediate Intellectual (40)

2 Years
Extra large
09-28-2024, 06:58 AM (This post was last modified: 09-30-2024, 08:05 AM by Atticus Feild. Edited 1 time in total.)
Atticus found himself once more exploring new lands. But not only exploring new lands but growing once again familiar with mushrooms yet again. Lets just say that the male always found mushrooms fasinating. And just in time. His luck, night was falling as he moved into the cavern, little flickers all around the ground and walls were decaying small trees gathered and hung out. Some shooting up out of the damp ground.

With careful steps he made his way in, he known a lot about mushrooms and what properties they had held together. Maybe he'd have to use some or harvest some for later use? He doubted it. But a smirk none the less crossed his maw. His eyes taking in the glows that radiated from them all.

Chemical reactions of oxyluciferin molecules, an enzyme called luciferase and oxygen. Almost the same way fireflies are allowed to light up their backsides durning the summer nights. But the mushrooms didn't do it for mates, no it was to help attract insects to help spread their spores. It was something many called foxfire, which is honestly almost always found on decaying wood.

Only glowing in a cycle. And the best time to see it happen was durning the night hours. His eyes took to one of the brightest glowing bioluminescent known as bitter oyster. Taking in the bright greens which clung in tiny fangs, they looked like little rocks, but Atticus had known better.

There was many others as he wandered further in. Eyes taking in the smaller mushrooms. Little Ping-Pong Bats, Green Peppe, which were both on the smaller size. Now the Lilac Bonnet's were amazing to see. Especially with the softer glow of lilac it radiated from itself.


code by Bird & art by Resin!

1/3 - Exploring New Land (Navigation)
1/3 - Talking about Mushrooms (Intell)