
It's what you know




Master Fighter (270)

Advanced Hunter (110)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

2 Years
Dire wolf
09-29-2024, 02:18 AM

Ellara Praetor

Enyo felt something twist deep inside her. The darkness, a raw primal urge surged to life as Redrum pushed back against her. His snarling words, laced with violence and challenge, ignited her blood. She felt her heart thunder in her chest, each pulse loud and consuming. His sudden shift. Red's rebellion against her. It aroused something she couldn’t quite name, something that twisted her pleasure into something sharp and untamed. The dark, primal laugh that escaped him made her skin prickle with anticipation, her eyes widening in true surprise before her eyes dilated until they were almost pitch black, swallowing the blue until only a thin ring of silver remained.

There was something deliciously twisted about how he fought back, about how he wouldn’t yield. The feeling sank into her bones and heated her body in perverted arousal, something as dark and feral as her soul. The heat of his breath on her muzzle, the snap of his teeth near her all made her blood sing. Their bodies the dancers, their heartbeat pumping the song of adrenaline. This was the thrill she lived for, the violent dance where power clashed against power. A place with no room for hesitation. Every bruise, every cut, the warmth of his and her blood mingling in the all blended into an intoxicating mix that made her crave more. It wasn't just a fight. It was communion. Celebration.

A deep, guttural laugh that was dark and rich, bubbled up from her throat, echoing through the snarls and snaps. "Red wants more? Then take it," she spat, her voice low and dripping with the same energy that burned in his eyes. The way he twisted beneath her, his strength meeting hers, their bodies writhing together. She felt something deep within her stir. Something that was dark and hungry that matched Redrum with equal fervor. Every violent jerk, every deliberate snap of his teeth against her fur fed into her, building her rage, her desire, her need to prove herself. He created an environment for her to be herself. He not only witnessed it but met it with his own fervor. His breath against her throat was fire, and she welcomed it- wanted more of it, wanted to feel that heat seep into her very being.

Their bodies were a tangled blur of fur and claws, but in that chaos, Enyo found a sense of affection she hadn’t felt in so long. It wasn’t just the thrill of the fight, it was the feeling of freedom. Freedom to unleash all that she had held back for so long. The abuses she had suffered, the constant struggle to prove herself, the hatred she carried for being born a woman when she knew she was destined for war. All of it erupted now, channeling itself into every movement, every strike. She was not just Enyo; she was the goddess of war. The Dragon of Dunamis.

As Redrum surged, trying to throw her off balance, Enyo let her grip loosen just enough to roll with his movement. She wasn't going to be thrown. No. She was going to stay with him, match him force for force, heartbeat for heartbeat. Force him to grapple if she could. As he went to bite her throat she would turn just in time to feel his jaws clamp onto her shoulder, his teeth sinking into her skin. The pain was electric, snapping through her like lightning.

Enyo shifted her weight, her limbs would try to wrap tighter around his body. She used his own momentum, letting him gain total control while she suddenly drove her head down, her jaws parting wide as she aimed for his neck. She wasn't looking to injure either, she wanted to take him, to show him she could take everything he gave and still come out on top. To give pain as she received it. She could feel his heart pounding beneath her, the rush of blood just under his skin, and it thrilled her.

"Red thinks he can tear Enyo apart?" she murmured against his fur, her voice a low growl. "bleed for it."

"Take it" she hissed, her voice low, almost tender as she repeated herself. With that, she bit down, not to harm, but to try to hold in some painful embrace. Her body pressed against his, her heart pounding in rhythm with his. This was her dance. Violent, brutal, and beautiful. She was going to savor every second of it.

ENYO vs Redrum for Minor Maim
Round 2/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Heavy
Offensive Battle Accessory: Canine caps
Defensive Battle Accessory: Daedric armor
Companion 1: Peregrine Falcon, Female - Battle
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Novice Hunter




Enyo's companions Foberos, a large peregrine falcon, & Atromitos, a large snowy owl, are to be assumed as with her at all times unless otherwise stated