
Dunamis adopts

OPENED till the 15th of Oct/2 available



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022
09-30-2024, 07:57 PM (This post was last modified: 10-01-2024, 03:44 AM by Skelle. Edited 2 times in total.)

OOC Name: skelle
Character's Name: Genesis Dunamis (Apollo/Sibling)
Nickname: Gene (Pronounced Jenny)
Gender: male
Sexuality: mascromantic pansexual whore
Size/Build: 45", Dire, Light
Alignment: neutral evil
Skills: Fighting x Intellect

While Gene may not actually be taller than any of his siblings, actually tapping out right at the same height as many, he appears much taller at a distance due to his leaner build and physically longer legs and smaller body. He was not built to be overly strong, but boy is he fast. Not that he can ever really be seen moving at such speeds, much preferring a leisurely pace and being fashionably late than in a hurry and on time. Although strength isn't his forte, he like his siblings was trained well. Strong muscles line his lighter bone structure and there is not just grace and finesse with every calculated move, but there is also practice and confidence.

Unlike his mottled, asymmetrical siblings, Genesis is unique in his own way. His markings are intricate, seemingly planned as they span across his face. A black muzzle tapers out almost entirely up his forehead before spreading across both ears and down his nape. Rough diamond shaped markings surround each mismatched eye (right being a vibrant, eerie chartreuse while the left is a bright, cerulean blue), also tapering off in jagged lines to meet the middle stripe both above and at the inner corners of his eyes. Beneath his eyes the markings taper off much the same, but twist and turn into the corners of his mouth, leaving him with a marking reminiscent of a smile.

The aforementioned black that spans down his nape reaches to encompass both of his forelimbs, meeting in a V shape in the center of the underside of his chest, pointed towards his groin. It reaches down his back along his spine, breaking only along his shoulders into another rough diamond shape, before almost fully engulfing his tail and leaving just the underside near the base void of any color like the rest of his pelt.

To strangers, Gene is openly friendly and unafraid to strike up a conversation however his reasons are not as pure as they may seem. While he may appear friendly, he his really just assessing their worth to him - if there's any value in forging a relationship with the stranger. He only allows others close to him if they can benefit him in any way, however usually, it's more for carnal pleasure rather than political power. Frankly, he's happy not being so burdened with the task of leading the family, instead focusing on himself more than others. That doesn't mean he doesn't value his family and his place within it and willing to do his share of work, it just means that he's a little more selfish with his time.. and his possessions.

Born into a powerful family, Genesis is not blind to his own holiness at all. His ego is almost his entire personality, the narcissism being so ingrained into him that others may want to roll their eyes or even vomit. If that doesn't do it, then the overuse of pet names for everyone will. He shamelessly flirts with everyone, (even family - no shame, remember?), and is always down for a good time with or without drugs and/or alcohol.

Genesis is a showman at heart, dramatic, and full of flair and sass. He's not afraid to speak his mind just to see others reactions, nor is he beneath bending the truth in his favor. However, despite how friendly, charming, and charismatic the man might seem, he is not to be messed with, nor is anyone he considers his. He is a Dunamis after all, unafraid to put one into a permanent sleep for something as simple as getting on his nerves or testing his patience.

RP sample:
He couldn't believe it! Of all places, Erebos really had to pick the desert? Gene wasn't thrilled with this news, but overall, he was happy to be reunited with his family. Soon, this whole continent would bow to his brother. Frankly, he was just glad it wasn't him tasked with it all. He was much more content following along and enjoying himself along the way. That was partly why it had taken him so long to arrive, but he would spare his family the more lewd activities that were to blame though he wouldn't be surprised if they already knew. It wasn't like he was typically shy about that sort of information, anyway.

"Dearest family, how have you all been?!" he asked, greeting some of his closer family with a cat-like body swipe while others received a wink and his characteristic sassy smile. Certainly some had already been up to some things worth sharing, and he was eager to hear all the details... as long as it was fun anyway, he wasn't really in the mood now (read: ever) to listen to a bunch of political jargon and there was bound to be a ton of it, given they were residing within a womans pack instead of one Erebos forged himself.

"And please don't skip any of the dirty details, I want it all~" he almost purred, settling down on the grassiest patch of sand he could find and intently listening to what all he had missed.

Future Plots/Ideas: ideally, id like him to find a transmasc character to marry, but i'm open to him being told who to breed with in exchange for marrying a man.

please DM all tags to @betchasaurusrex!
eightysichs/wolfbea was hacked, what's owed has been made/paid,
and i wasn't involved or even knew her during the time she was hacked, thank you ♥