
Hell nah, let you slide like its cool?



"Do you want to meet all my monsters? Think you're tough, I know they'll drive you bonkers!"


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10-01-2024, 03:24 AM

She was laying on the furs, piecing together another little Frankenstein project, but she had to admit it was difficult when she had just the one paw to work with and the other wrapped up. She huffed in frustration, tossing it aside before reaching for another small body this time, taking her sharpened claw and started cutting it down the middle. More out of boredom this time than anything. She was confined to her den for at least a few days to try and let her paw heal some before she went gallivanting about, but after a couple of days she was over it! She did a big sigh as she briefly considered ignoring doctors orders and going out to do what she wanted.

But then, she heard her name and she looked to find Erebos making a slow approach before sitting across from her. Initially, her tail thumped the ground in enthusiastic greeting, but the look in his eye did not go unnoticed. She squinted at him for a moment, but the moment passed and she resumed her usual self. "We need to talk." He said. She glanced at him again for a moment, ears perked forward as she was curious about what he wanted to talk about. "Mhhhmmmm," She waved at him to continue before she resumed plucking feathers for another moment or two before looking at him again as he spoke. Her head cocked to the side as he started talking about his >clan. She wasn't quite sure what that was supposed to mean. She hadn't even really thought about clans and family dynamics and whatnot. After all, she wasn't exactly the traditional sort.

"had I known you'd maim my sister, I wouldn't of asked you to join in." She raised a brow, not sure what he was getting at until he got to it. "Why did you feel the need to harm Enyo in such a way that would permanently scar her face?" When his body language changed, and she heard that low growl, her own fur bristled as she narrowed her gaze and she tossed aside the little project she had been working on. "Medusa gave Erebos' sister a choice. And she accepted it. Medusa does not know how Erebos' family works or how his sister is, but Medusa always has a reason." Sure she was a little strange, and feral, but she more often than not, always had a reason for the things she did. "Enyo could have won and scarred Medusa instead. But she did not win. And if she had, Medusa would not be mad about it. But would Erebos?" Was it a lose-lose situation either way? She wasn't sure what he was trying to get at here just yet, but having to think about things now was starting to set off her tics. She giggled. Head cocking to the side a time or two before continuing. "Medusa did not like the way Enyo treated Erebos' brother. He is not family to Medusa, but Medusa protects Insomnia like they are family to her. Medusa would not have bothered if Erebos' brother had a chance to fight." She stated matter of fact before looking away from him.

"Habari did not give Medusa a chance to fight whenever they hurt her. Widow's family did not care about Medusa because she was a slave in Habari, until they wanted to hurt her. Medusa will not let that happen in Insomnia. Medusa does not care as long as it is fair. But she did not think it was." Her brows knit together as she worked through her tics, doing her best to suppress them and the giggling. She didn't know if he'd get pissy with her for something she couldn't control, or if he even knew that it was something she couldn't control. She didn't want to give him a bad impression, but she also wasn't used to having such serious talks like this. Questioning her actions when she felt it was justified. But at least she was doing her best to try and understand his side.

And then, something she never expected came from his very mouth. "You are a mate to me, not just my pack alpha. While I adore you,- hell now that I fucking love you, I cannot let you harm Enyo or any of my clan members again. I cannot just let it go and not make changes for their safety and for our alliances." There was a lot for her to unpack, but the more he spoke, the more confused she got. But also it wasn't just a mixture of confusion, but a feeling inside that she had no name for. Something she had never thought about, felt, or even considered because she never thought in her life she'd ever get as far as marriage let alone a relationship. Nor even a romantic sort of love for that matter. But he said he loved her. He wanted her to bear his children.

She looked at him, silent once again. Something that he tended to make her do often as she fell into silent thought. This was all new territory for her. She didn't know how to navigate it. Umbra was not here to guide her, and even if she was, she wasn't sure that this was something her beloved friend could even help her with. While she hadn't intentionally tried to hurt Enyo, it was all Medusa truly knew. She gave the Dunamis sister a fair chance. Sure, the stakes were that she would potentially get scarred, but that same risk was placed on Medusa had she been the one to lose. And she had even offered her a higher position had she won. It was unfortunate that Enyo had lost, but that was simply the way of things sometimes. Fight or decline. Win or lose. Enyo had chosen to fight. And she had lost. And for that, they felt the need to...what? If it was a punishment, it certainly didn't seem that way to her. She adored Erebos. Admired that he was so protective of his family, much like she was with her own. She would do anything to protect her family. That, at least, was something she and they had in common. So if this is what they considered a punishment...

She got up finally, quiet still, as she kept her dual-toned gaze on his. Approaching him in a manner that mimicked that of a hungry predator. He was in her domain, after all. And the last time anyone had tried to order her around or make demands of her, hadn't ended well for them.

Lucky for him, this was different. She hobbled toward him, moving in a tight circle around him. Her fur pressing against his as she came around to his other side, her muzzle moving from his chest, to his neck, to the underside of his jaw in a gentleness she seldom showed before pressing her crown against his throat. "Okay." She stated simply as she sat beneath the shelter of his bulkier form. "Medusa...loves Erebos. He has not given her reason to not trust him. Medusa knows he cares. Even if he has trouble saying it sometimes," She giggled a bit before continuing. "Medusa will marry Erebos because she wants to. And because she loves him. She does not care about power. She cares about her family. Just like Erebos cares about his Dunamis." She would not be made to bend to the will of others. Habari had tried and failed. And she had vowed that nobody would ever force anything against her will again. But this? This...she wanted him. She cared little about the other reasons.


Please note: Medusa is a wildcard! While she is mostly kind, friendly, and eager to help, she can equally be cold, aggressive, and eager to murder you depending on how you treat her! She refers to herself and often, others, in the third person (illeism), and occasionally has tics due to her Tourette's and may giggle and laugh at random, and may twitch here and there. She is a blood & gore type of character, and is not above killing, maiming, or other such violent actions if she's given a reason to do so. It's often in your best interest to not cross her or get on her bad side. Ya never know what she might do c: