



12-21-2013, 12:34 PM (This post was last modified: 12-21-2013, 12:36 PM by Themisto.)

He would remain silent, waiting for her to say something or do something. He enjoyed sitting so close to her, it made the butterflies in his stomach squirm like crazy. Just her scent made his pelt stand on end and his cheeks burn. When she laughed he would laugh along with her, a soft chuckle escaping his lips as his sunset hued gaze never left hers. When she finished speaking, he would respond to each thing she said, allowing a few seconds pause between each sentence so that he didn't seem so eager to answer. "Moving Valhalla? What an... interesting idea. Where will you move it to? Isardis has a lot of women who could come looking for you if needed." He would add, though surly she had already realized that. "I missed and worried about you too Chrysanthe, and it wasn't your fault. If it means anything, Seracia didn't send for me at all." Ears would tip back when he said it, because they were his family, weren't they? And yet she was the first one to show up at the borders asking for his freedom, not even his own alpha. And they wondered why his loyalty was beginning to sway?

He would chuckle when she said he surprised her, lips creasing into a beaming smile. "I'm glad to be here too, the north was too cold for my liking." He would say, and when she refereed to him being an experienced warrior, he would huff a manly grunt while pushing his weight onto his front legs, causing his muscle to tense so that she could see just how defined they really were. "Yeah, I've got some muscles hidden beneath this tough and manly exterior." He would say with a chuckle, obviously making a joke that he hoped they could both laugh at. Whither it be by chance or skill he had beaten the Glaciem queen, and that was all that mattered. He had won his freedom.

When she mentioned Seracia he would relax back into a regular posture, lips creasing into a straight expression. "No, I have not. I was on my way there when I got out of Glaciem, but I figured I would come pay you a visit since you were the only one who came looking for me. He would state it again, not only because he couldn't believe that no one had come for him, but because it hurt his feelings. How could they have left him and Bronze there for two weeks? "I'll be heading back after this, I just had to let you know I was out, and I had to make sure you were okay. I never saw you during the war, so I could only guess what your fate had been." He would say before pausing for a second. "but you're a tough woman, so I wasn't too worried." He would add with a chuckle chasing his soft tones, stub of a tail wiggling happily behind them.
