
Hell nah, let you slide like its cool?



"Do you want to meet all my monsters? Think you're tough, I know they'll drive you bonkers!"


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10-01-2024, 09:29 AM (This post was last modified: 10-01-2024, 09:17 PM by Medusa. Edited 1 time in total.)

"Of course I'd be angry at enyo had she initiated such a thing against you. She would've been treated far worse then Nikolaos, mind you." She waved a dismissive paw. She wouldn't have punished Enyo unless it had come from a place without just cause. Medusa knew she was capable of taking care of herself, and she'd take on any challenge that came her way. Besides, scars were cool as shit, and quite frankly, she didn't have enough of them. She worked through her tics, and luckily, he didn't seem to be put off by them as they flared up. They were often mild in comparison to how they were acting up now. But she did notice that when she was in more...serious situations such as this, they tended to emerge more fiercely. She never knew why. She was far from the nervous or anxious type. While it would be annoying to others, it was a perfectly normal thing for her. After all, she's had to deal with it her entire life. It was a part of her. They slowed, however, as he explained to her how his family worked. How Enyo was. While she couldn't say that she related, at least she had a little more understanding as to why they were the way they were. All rigid and serious and whatnot. They needed a little more fun in their life. To learn how to relax. They were young yet. It was possible, wasn't it? She didn't dwell on that thought for very long.

As she sat there, he questioned her about Widow. Oops. She assumed Habari and the Kleins were common knowledge, but then she remembered that Erebos and his family were probably still too new to the lands...had Widow never told him? They had been married, even if for a short time! She looked up at him, a quizzical and confused look on her face. "Widow and Enki are the pups of Recluse Klein, Medusa's enemy before she died. They were all Habari before Medusa took it from Recluse. Widow was younger. Enki was a pup. It took time for Medusa to trust Widow and her other family, but...yes. Widow knew Medusa was a slave. She says she hates other Kleins...Medusa did not trust her before, but she gave Widow a chance." She shrugged as she didn't know how true that statement was anymore. Especially after Widow expressed her stance on her strange need to warn her about Erebos. So far, Medusa did not see what Widow did. Other than the potential power thing maybe, but Medusa didn't care about that part. Everyone in some way, shape, or form had some kind of hunger for power. That much she speculated, anyway.

"It's okay. Medusa isn't mad that Erebos or Enyo didn't know. But now he does." It wasn't their fault, really. She didn't blame them one bit. Sure she had certain triggers she thought she worked to overcome, but he made her realize that perhaps she hadn't the way she thought she did. And when he told her he wished he had met her sooner, she couldn't help the small, sad smile she hid from him within the confines of his plush fur. "Medusa does too," She knew she was far older than him, but she was glad nonetheless that it was better late than never. She'd make good use of the time they had together. That much she knew.

Looking up at him, her smile quirked up into a bit of a mischievous grin. "Medusa does love Erebos very much. She does not care about time, Medusa or Erebos can't be alive forever," Nobody could as far as she knew. It was just a fact of life. She snuggled into him again, drawing in his scent. Comforting. Even though he had been upset. Mad even just moments before, she looked past that as she started to gently nibble at his neck. A gentleness she generally only showed her children, but this moment deserved that, too. She wanted him. Wanted what he could provide that nobody else could. Not in the way he was able to. "Medusa wants Erebos. And she wants to give him what he deserves."


Please note: Medusa is a wildcard! While she is mostly kind, friendly, and eager to help, she can equally be cold, aggressive, and eager to murder you depending on how you treat her! She refers to herself and often, others, in the third person (illeism), and occasionally has tics due to her Tourette's and may giggle and laugh at random, and may twitch here and there. She is a blood & gore type of character, and is not above killing, maiming, or other such violent actions if she's given a reason to do so. It's often in your best interest to not cross her or get on her bad side. Ya never know what she might do c: