


12-21-2013, 01:07 PM
thread takes place after the dm -- kept vague since we don't know the official outcome.

Vivid emotions betrayed the phantom?s typically stoic exterior, an elongated and seemingly perpetual snarl etched into the premises of her porcelain countenance as the onslaught of thoughts continued to rage within her skull. The source of her devotion and success was no more ? her mother had been reduced to naught but a mangled corpse and a mere memory left to haunt her even on the rare occasion that sleep decided to consume her fragile mind. Without her mother, her glorious family had been left in shambles ? fragmented and pitiful, even more so than it had been with the detachment of her eldest brother many months ago ? and the weight of mending the familial bonds had been passed along to her shoulders. With vigor, she would uphold her newest responsibility and would do everything within her power to ensure that none attempted to intervene with her plans to revive her family ? not even Devya.

An infuriated growl arose in the babe?s throat as she sauntered into the gory amphitheater where she had been forced to witness her mother?s downfall, triangular ears slicking back against the contours of her crown in an attempted effort to shun the horrid memories that plagued her. He had been here to watch the white witch take her last breath and the wraith had a hunch that he had felt no remorse or distress for the events that occurred that day, and now, as she stood rigid in the vacant coliseum, mismatched eyes dancing around the perimeter in search of any bystanders, she had every intention of making him pay for his traitorous nature. With that in mind, the phantom allowed her skull to tip back slightly, frayed lips parting to emit a somber summon for the brute that had walked away from her so many months ago: Ares.