
Feel The Rhythm! Feel The Rhyme! Get On Up! It's Raiding Time! [RAID]



Master Fighter (275)

Advanced Navigator (80)

1 Year
Extra large
10-01-2024, 12:39 PM

Honestly, she was done with the mountain. Hadn't wanted to return to the gods damn place that made her feel so... ugly. The way it made her heart wrench and shrivel up, but she also needed to say good bye too. She couldn't leave her siblings without telling them where she was or well, wasn't going. Deciding to at least stay the night so she was better prepared for her new journey, the call of the raid surprised her.

Eyes wide, emotions conflicted. Why fight for a pack she no longer cared for? Moving from her den out onto the slopes of the maw, it is the familiar sight of koi colored wolves that has her blood boiling in an instant. Why the fuck was her betrothed's Tojo-Kai here raiding them? Anger and confusion fill Lumine as she barrels down the side of the mountain. Her intent is on He Who Must Not Be Named, but is quickly deterred as she finds him tangling with her brother, Steig.

A sharp snort exits her nostrils before her gaze of glittering gold turns to unleash this bubbling ugliness of fury onto. It's the pale girl of near albino appearance that she targets. Standing alone and away from the rest of the fighting. Though she hadn't gotten the girl's name before, the stark appearance is even more familiar. This was someone she had fought before.

With not so much as a warning, Lumine bursts down the remaining slope toward the call of battle. Weaving in between the other fights, she calls forth her miniature reindeer to move around the backside of the girl so there was nowhere to run. Charging for her head on, Lumine aims to knock Kina over with a frontal attack of her shoulder to Kina's chest.

Lumine Trygg

table coding by bunni ♥

Lumine vs Kina for Dominance (Raid)
Round 1/1
Age: Over 1
Size: Extra large
Build: Balanced
Offensive Battle Accessory: Candy Cane Claws
Defensive Battle Accessory: Santa Coat
Companion 1: Mini Reindeer, Male - battle
Companion 2: Mini Reindeer, Male - battle
Mutation 1: Enhanced Eyesight - Perception
Skills: Master Fighter & Advanced Navigator