
Hell nah, let you slide like its cool?




Master Fighter (265)

Novice Healer (20)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

2 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Sapiosexual
10-01-2024, 07:23 PM (This post was last modified: 10-01-2024, 07:29 PM by Érebos. Edited 3 times in total.)

É R E B O S .

medusa tolerated his usually serious persona. it was who he was and what he came to be. a part of him glad that medusa endured past whatever annoyances he may of gave her-, it could be said to be the same for him. her unpredictability concerned him at times.. but wasn't love about compromise & accepting the other? he grinned softly at the thought as she flicked her paw in a dismissive way. he enjoyed seeing her own attitude flash. but his smile dropped as soon as she went on about widow. suddenly, it all made sense. the way she acted as if she had been high above him, the way she threatened to enslave him.. what a pathetic history widow had. and now more than ever, he was grateful to have ended their marriage. look what it brought him? "Widow is an enslaver." he snarled, biting the air as he concluded his image of the ex Klein forever. a low growl emitting at the thought her being near his mate. how could this be? Medusa had been this forgiving and for what? "Medusa, please. I know you are forgiving by nature, but someone who knew you were enslaved for years and did nothing to assist you- how can we trust she is not a Klein in spirit?" he paused, eyes intensely on her. "She threatened to enslave me, Medusa. For an insanely minuscule reason. The woman is senseless." his nose flared.

but as she went on, she continued to calm his beating heart. that's right.. medusa was here, safe with him. and although he'd keep quiet for now, Érebos made mental notes that demonized both the Kleins and widow. his soundtrack nothing but imprints of his future, of the fate widow would have if she dared to come to insomnia again. it was a casualty he woiuld not tolerate. no. "I will give you what you've always deserved." he meant it in ways she may of not seen just yet.. and that's alright. medusa was in the safest hands she'd ever been in, in her whole life. here with Érebos.

nothing else was said as he moved his maw towards her own, peering down at her small body with eyes that held newfound contentment. endearing and holding her with soft caress and care- wanting to consider her injury. "I love you." he'd say with a deep voice, closing his eyes before he went to kiss her. his arms suddenly rising up to hold her as he gently brought her down to her back. he wanted this. needed this. "Let's make love." he whispered, his eyes transfixed on her. He was going to not only make sweet love to her, but he was going to impregnate her purposefully. for all his passion could not be contained tonight. no.. medusa was his wife now. no more holding back on happiness.

Made for Alo by Skelle !
Warning: Mature themes for this character are frequent.
[Image: h1wr1OO.png]