
Feel The Rhythm! Feel The Rhyme! Get On Up! It's Raiding Time! [RAID]



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

1 Year
Dire wolf
10-01-2024, 07:36 PM (This post was last modified: 4 hours ago by Takeji. Edited 1 time in total.)

Takeji held back, ostensibly to plot his moves with precision, more realistically to gather his wits. It only did him so much good of course, because before much longer the fight brought itself to him. He had barely a moment to decipher pounding footsteps as an approach aimed at him, much less respond to the weight of another wolf throwing herself at his flank. In his surprise, he was unable to angle his body so that his spiked armor would make the most impact, the way he'd practiced, over and over. He felt that the blow would have still been worse without it, and he'd have to make due, because the time for wishful thinking was over now. He could berate himself later.

Rounding on the shewolf he found his opponent to be a bit smaller, as well as grown into her body whereas he was still lanky and bound to trip over his own paws if he wasn't careful. But he was being careful, so there would be none of that today. He dug his hind claws into the earth and bunched his legs beneath him, springing forward with his head lowered, hoping to battering-ram the flat of his horns into the soft space where her neck and shoulders met. Maybe if he was lucky he'd find a chance to snap at a limb or two even if she dodged the headbutt. Luck did so often favor the prepared.

Takeji vs Unagi for Dominance
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Balanced
Offensive Battle Accessory: Spiked Shoulder Guards
Defensive Battle Accessory: Neck Guard (Nodowa)
Companion 1: Black Leopard, Female 24"
Companion 2: Peregrine Falcon, Female - 45" (Flying)
Mutation 1: Horns - offensive
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Beginner Intellectual
"Talk" "Listen" Think

Note: His accessories are on his profile but not his fight form, so I added them myself for this round because it's time sensitive, but I'm off to post in maintenance right now lol