
I'll Never See You Again if I Can't Help It



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)

5 Years
10 hours ago (This post was last modified: 10 hours ago by Noor. Edited 1 time in total.)

There was something in the way that Fable spoke that convinced Noor. A deep fear rooted in something that Fable at least believed with her whole heart. Which Noor was inclined to believe herself, and that wasn't just her lingering feelings talking. Noor was pretty sure that the spires rising from the ground hadn't been there earlier, it would have been hard to miss them even in as bad a state as she was, to say nothing of the sky.

She'd been about to ask what their first move was when the attention turned towards her. Noor, despite herself couldn't help the slight fluttering in her stomach at the concern in Fable's voice. She pushed that feeling down, it certainly wasn't the time and even if the world hadn't suddenly changed around them she knew it wasn't something she could chase. "No uh... A little singed maybe?" She glanced back at her flank where she'd felt the stray coal hit her. Luckily it had hit where the black was curving along her body, so it wouldn't be obvious from a distance that some of her fur was now a little toasted. "You?" Noor was less careful with her tone, letting her concern bleed in. Obviously there was the potential that Fable had gotten injured in the rush to escape the caves but Noor was also worried about how she was handling whatever this was.

Maybe it was a good idea to keep them focused? "What's next?" It was a question that spoke more than the words itself. "What's the plan? What do you need from me chef?" Noor turned, as she often had, to Fable for guidance. Back in- When things got heated or something had gone wrong it was always Fable who'd know exactly how to fix it while avoiding the kitchen spiraling into panic. Now too she turned to Fable, she was out of her depth here and it was almost second nature to look to the bigger woman. Though she was also the only one out of the two of them who had any idea at all what to expect.  


[Image: VXKJzun.gif]