
Safe & Sound



"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
10-02-2024, 03:52 PM
The raid had been a disaster for Haydée. When the challenging call had rung through the air, the fear of those she loved getting hurt had driven her from her sick bed and out onto the battlefield. In her weakened state, when she was bested, the frail woman had to practically crawl to the sidelines where she then collapsed to watch as the rest of the fights played out. Chest worked as she sought to bring her breathing under control, the effort it had taken to battle evident by the way she rapidly pants and issues intermittent coughs.

Eltrys appears, face stern and cold and she immediately crumbles, ears folding and paws drawing inward as she curls into herself, attempting to appear as small as possible. Without a word he hefts her up and she squeaks slightly in surprise as she is deposited onto his back. A cough rattles Hay’s chest and, while it has dried up, the muscles of her chest still hurt from excessive amount of effort that they have been put through these past few weeks. They move into the cave system and make it to her den where the sweet smells of fresh herbs greet her.

No words are spoken as she is lowered to her bed, body instantly relaxing against the fresh furs as a sigh of relief slips past her lips. Muscles melt as her body spreads out and she stretches her aching muscles but pulls up short when her chest twinges in displeasure. A small cough bubbles past her lips and she quickly stifles it as Eltrys approaches her, leaving a cup of medicinal tea before her without meeting her eyes and then turning away to face the fire. Anger radiates from the earthen man and Haydée’s ears fold back as she gazes down at the tea, unsure of what to say.

There is no regret for what she did and she takes a swig of the drink. Hay swallows down a tickle in the back of her throat and makes a soft sound to pull Eltrys’s attention to her. A paw slowly traces the rim of her drinking vessel and she brings her emerald gaze up level with his as she says, “If you want me to apologize for defending my family, I won’t. There was nothing but pain and bloodshed when I was leader and I refused to allow everyone to fight without me. I am getting better and I won’t sit idly by while my home is attack...”

Haydée’s words are strong, filled with determination as she speaks but, at the end she falters and drops off, her eyes falling down to the tea as she adds more softly, “I will not allow you to face challenges like that alone.” There is an unspoken vow in there, a promise to never let him face things alone so long as she is alive. Huffing a sigh, she keeps her eyes diverted down as she takes another long pull from the medicinal tea, making a face at the bitter bite of the herbs hidden within.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.