
Have you seen my dad?


The Syndicate

Novice Intellectual (20)

Beginner Hunter (0)

Extra large
Yesterday, 08:57 AM (This post was last modified: Yesterday, 08:57 AM by Cressida. Edited 1 time in total.)
The earth seemed different somehow. There was a feeling which clung to the air in a vise grip. Tightening its hold like two ends being pulled. With no intentions of breaking lose or providing space. It all felt quite odd; yet, familiar to her as she stretched along the smooth grass beneath. Soft, delicate paws slid through the garnering of blades in order to release the tension of well rested muscles. Her bright pastel coat shimmered under the moon’s gaze. Leaving the various dots of white to shine like stars in the night sky. Except, her body along resembled more like the galaxies she’d learned about as a pup.

No longer was she that knowledge hungry adolescent who ached to learn. Cressida now stood as a strong, confident juvenile. Her long legs revealed toned areas which pulled taunt against her skin. Mismatched pools of greens and yellows starred out at the world with calculation. Every step she took poised in elegance and beauty. There was nothing about her that screamed indecency.

Ears sat high and arched. Taking in every single nose that they deemed necessary to capture. There was no particular destination to go. Only that she wished to see her father. The Saxe lands had provided her with all she needed. Though she knew there was more to know. Cressida chose to venture out to grasp more from another. What was the point of having two parents if you were only taught by one?

Traveling over the border proved easy. Casting a single look over her shoulder at the scattered decay of bodies and entrails. A shake of her head and she was off on a new journey. Disappearing into the welcomed shadows of foreign territory.

Cressida Kali Saxe

table coding by bunni ♥