
My devil danced with his demon.


12-21-2013, 05:46 PM

Nervous, that's what the man seemed to be. Of course, who wouldn't be? Glaciem was a powerful pack, a superior empire that none dared to challenge. A soft grin played at her cherubic features, his voice entering her russet audits calmly. His name was Dexter, no last name, strangely enough. The man sought to join the ranks of Glaciem, as most seemed to want these days. A nod lowered and lifted her delicate cranium once, acknowledging the male's speech. "Before that can happen, I think I should know more than your name, Dexter." She replied smoothly, posture dominant yet relaxed. Seating herself upon the snow covered terra, the petite fae smiled kindly and beckoned with a paw for the larger wolf to seat himself as well, a mere step before her own small frame. Her breath escaped her ebony nostrils as a fine mist, calm and composed. Sweet alto lyrics would enter the air shrouded in the same mist, addressing the man in a business like manner. "What can you offer Glaciem, Dexter?" She inquired, raising a brow quizzically. She had never done this before, but logic told her what to say, more or less. Wrapping her rusty brown tail about her tea cupped paws, the damsel fixed her orchid toned gaze upon the man's face, her own bleached features no doubt slightly unnerving against her dark russet body.
